Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Finally GPB over!!!!

Don't take it as finally.. In the sense finally!!!!

We finally presented our growth play book to our CEO of healthcare global and it was a great experience... Our India CEO mentioned fleetingly in the morning at 3 am that they will be presenting the slides from my computer.. Little did it strike me that I have to be inside the telepresence room for this presentation.... Generally the work horse are left out when the main discussion is happening...

I in my usual mood, went to this office of ours n my cycle and in jeans... My boss comes to me and tells me.. Why the heck you are in jeans without a blazer... U will be presenting your self before the CEO of Our global business.... What shit... As if I care... I told him that be happy that i at least am wearing a formal shirt... The lower part is not visible when you are sitting in front of him on a screeen.... :)

The presentation went well and I have a mail from my super boss for a job well done and brilliant work in these slides... I am in half a mood to send her a mail that I will be more than happy when the content of the presentation gets executed and we have a better business here in India. These global MNCs intrigue me... Their ability to understand the intricacies of doing business in India is limited after spending more than 20 years here... They just feel that we are stupids like the Americans to keep buying what ever they sell...

To appreciate the model here... Unlike the americas... We have a model predominantly run by the private hospitals..... Which means they are looking for a high technology , lower cost product... Our inherited bias against anything foreign stems from the fact that we have been ruled by foreigners for more than 400 years... Though we like their products and the technology we get from them... Our guys are not ready to pay the premium that our bosses wants...

What needs to be understood is the fact that premium and relative premium position is dependent on what the market is offering... By which I mean the competitors... If my competitor is offering a product which is going to serve the same purpose as mine... And they are offering the same at 100 rs while I offer my product at 110 rs... I still am getting the necessary premium for my products.. Whereas our boss in US is asking us to get the price of 150... We as a company understand customer value and preception to the minimum... That's the sign of an arrogant company who wants our customers to buy what they sell...

Anyway I feel we are moving in the right direction to understand our customers better and make products that suit our customer requirements better than what they think in US A...

With a good pitch done to our global healthcare CEO we have one more task of pitching our strategy to the CEO of India business.. All the best.. I have been given the leeway to take a day off and get back with a bang Thursday onwards on the next game... That's what we call the growth play book.....

Monday, April 16, 2012

After a real long time!!!!

I had almost forgotten that I had a blog.. I did this random search on google for archishmathe and one of the first few entries actually had my blog... ;)
I was curious and actually read some of the stuff I had written earlier and found them to be extremely stupid.. May be everyone's life looks stupid in hindsight...

This has got me thinking now... Do I start writing again!!! Or just leave this whole blog world to the better learnt... More intelligent beings. Well this Internet world is one of the few spheres where democracy and free speech is still applicable and there is no force t stop me from writing bad stuff.. As long as i do not force others to read it.. U wanna read it... Please do so at ur own risk... The writer of this content is not responsible for your reaction.. :)

Now that I have de died to write again... What should I write about now??? I am not an expert in any field to throw more light to the readers and enlighten them... I will try to stick to the basics... And try exploring some new areas new to me and to others.. (why the heck am I thinking about others... As if I have some million followers )

I will try writing stuff looking into the future... Maybe I would become such a famous blogger one day.. That I could write and make more money that what I am doin right now...:)

What ever I write... Should just make sure that my wife is not reading it... She is one awesome writer and has a real good, amazingly written personal blog... Does not share it with many except h close friends...

Its 4:30am in the morning and today we have the most important presentation to our company global CEO.. It's called the growth play book... Outlining our 3 years growth strategy.. I have been working on this document for the past 2 weeks collating data, analysing it and putting it together into a one cohesive growth strategy document... It requires loads of work, coordinating with multiple business leaders, gathering the necessary information and obviously cooking up numbers and data to build your story... The saddest part of this entire exercise is that... Nothing gets talked about.. Of followed on after presenting this document to our CEO.. And I like an ass... Spent the last two weeks working 15 to 18 hrs a day to put this document together.. Does not mean there is no one else who works on this... Equal time and effort is put in by the entire marketing team and our India business CEO... I just finished the final document submitted it to our global team for tomorrow's review... Yaaay

I have been considered to be one of the best guys in my organisation who can put together a brilliant presentation conveying a story.. We at GE believe in conveying stories.. Every chart has to convey a story.. And everyone tells me that I am good at it... And there comes the issue... So all free loaders try to pass on this work to me... I have to be a real slimy nut to wriggle myself from everyone's request and stick to my core job of making presentations for my boss....:p

Our CEO was pretty impressed by the effort we had put in. This is her first year in India and her first India GPB..

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Culmination

The most eventful part of my life.. the past two years at SPJIMR.

30th of April was supposed to be a day in history. This day almost 70 years back Hitler committed suicide and the yesterday we had our graduation ceremony.. yaa i know... please do not try to correlate these two events.. it was just a statement given by one of the people on the dais...

Hot, humid and energy sapping, are just a couple of words that i can think of now and i am yet to figure out how i survived those two horrifying hours in the makeshift encampment in the black robe and a horribly fitting hat. I think i kept talking to the person sitting next to me commenting on every speaker and the scape goats who were on the dais... for all the effort we never went on stage to collect our degree certificates. We went and sat in predetermined positions which already had our degree certificates sitting there.

The fun part was what we had after the ceremony. Sitting with our parents and introducing to friends with whom one had the best of times at SP, meeting their parents and seeing parents bonding and making new friends..

In retrospect, i have not felt bad even ones in my life at SP for coming here.. got some real great friends.. had an awesome time.. got to know more about myself and eat awesome food at friends place.. :).. thanks a lot SP.. i will not forget the time i had there..

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Phew.. one more gone!!!

Happy New Year!!

Phew.... a good year went by... is it time for postmortem.. hmm.. let me do some

i think this is one of those years where i did not screw up much .... had a great year.. met the girl of my life.. enjoyed my last few months of student life to max .. and started blogging..

next year..i would be getting into the corporate world again.. and i am just waiting to get back to the rat race.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ko Yo(u) To(o)

lets put this in the form of a family feud:
Europe is like the grand pa trying to be unbiased but can't override his son the USA and India and China the grand children are adamant and they want pocket money from dad -USA. you wont find a more headstrong dad in this world that USA..

over years the entire world has been haggling on this climate change and emission control issue and just looks like no one is ready to take responsibility. As everyone knows it is always the job of the other to take care of the environment.

This whole issue has got me thinking (thank god.. i did not give much work to the Grey matter for sometime after coming back to coll).... whats keeping us sensible people with the 6th sense, who knows that the earth we live in has limited resources and cant be exploited much more than what had been done till now.. otherwise it will jeopardize the very existence of humans in this planet... are we behaving like rational animals... i think we are.. but there is a small issue..

our rationality is towards the growth and well being of every nation separately and we have decided as rational people that robust economic growth would remove poverty from this planet and enhance the standard of living of all...

the rationality of economics have played havoc in our lives... economic growth in terms of the Gross Domestic Product does not take in to account the environmental degradation that we bring in with every proposal of development. Will small changes to the way we measure economic development of a country bring about a change in the mindset of all capitalists and governments. While calculating the GDP of an economy, we take all investments, savings, government expenditures, taxes, imports and exports in to consideration.
A dumb idea struck me.. what say if we also add one more factor with a negative effect on GDP.. monetize the total environmental destruction done by the country to achieve such growths... may be we can take a factor of the total environmental degradation done.. i do not have the competence to find out ways and means to monetize the degradation (mind u i am a marketing major student... who tried his level best to pass finance subjects including economics :P)... we will leave it to the experts to do that..
I can hear the FIN guys cursing me... more so we marketers...they are saying - we were the one who advocated consumerism (though it all started in the USA).. we wanted everyone to consume more and more so that our organizations could sustain for ever...

see the blame game continues... and still we have no answers... !!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


how come amit is yet to blog this latest development on land ceiling act.. being a proponent of free markets, he had criticized the act a number of times before under other topics..

waiting to get his view.. :)

Friday, November 30, 2007


i never got what i deserved. one can get frustrated with this.. every time you think you are good enough and u think people will notice your work and will appreciate it.. someone is there in this world who does better than you... this keeps happening with me ..

B school has changed me a lot.. i now think more about my internal growth as a person and everytime i try hard.. i fail.. and that leads to more frustration...

i was much better off when i was working.. or when i was in under grad school.... i was one of those ever positive chill maar type.. not caring about the world.. not caring about what others think about me.. but B school has totally played havoc with my mental state.... i dont know whether its for the good or bad.... only time will tell..

i was desperate to get my internship with one of the leading organization in india.. was thrilled when i got it.. but two months of torture are forgettable.. i hated every minute over there.. and just think.. when ur GF is having the ball of her time in her organization and u are hating every second of it.. u get even more frustrated.... just wanna yell at her and say stop it.. just stop talking about the fucking thing.. thank god i have a very beautiful and caring GF.. she understood my situation.. and never spoke of it..

back in coll.. where i wanted to be the most after the horrendous two months.. thinks did not get better.. everyone comes to you and asks you the same question.. "how was it".. man.. i have had it.. i could not take it anymore..

i felt like a looser.. i am still low.. i dont know what to do.. how to come of it.. do i have answers.... i think i have.. its well within me... i cant take it on anyone.. i feel sad for her.. hope she understands... but how much to expect from everyone... what is her threshold ?.. hope i have answers for that too..